Monday, September 07, 2009


Early foam Bennett.
The current owner is the second owner.
9'1"x 21 3/8"x 3 1/4"
nose 16 3/16"
tail 18 3/16"

This board has two 5/8" balsa stringers
tapering out from the nose to the tail.
The board had no open dings.
There were a few deep gouges on the bottom nose which
needed some attention. As did the knee dents on the deck.

The fin needed re glassing.
The leading & trailing edges were showing exposed timber.

Check out the tail rocker.
And how much the fin protrudes out past the pod.

This is a rare example of a Pig board.
circa 1959/60.
The wide point is 3'6" from the pod.

The finished board.