Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Every logo on this board was damaged
or had delaminated.

The images don't really show the extent of the damage 
this board had endured. 
The only reason it was restored is because of what it is.

Those dark patches on the deck were car bog.
They were sanded and dug out to reveal
some pretty nasty, and deep dings.

The dings on the bottom
were filled with a special brew.

More special brew.

The delaminated logos were re bonded.

This board isn't going to be a rider.
All the repairs were sanded fair
and the top and bottom
were laminated with a layer of 4oz.

Filler coated and sanded.

Then glossed and polished.
The above image is the unpolished gloss coat.
I neglected to take shots of the finished board.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I have it on pretty good authority, that some bolts were
built at Bennett's and shaped by Steve O'Donnell.

The deck was in pretty good condition
apart from a dodgy legrope install and a few onions.


The rails and the bottom were in poor condition.
Extra glass was added around the rails.
Any lows were then built up and faired.

Freshly glossed bottom.
This board has been kept as original as possible.
So all the dings and stressied are visable.
There is a story in them all.
The only thing the owner wanted to hide
was the ugly post production legrope plug.

Typical early to mid 70's rocker.

And outline with widepoint and thickness foward.